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SmartChain City

Smart city


It shows adverts, weather, exchange rates, traffic jams and even lets you play games or draw something on the bench using your smartphone.

Road sign

Guides you on the road


Will show how to sort rubbish and the level of fullness of the bins


Charges your scooter and smartphone, shows you current news stories


It will show ads, weather, currency exchange rates, traffic jams and even allow you to play games or draw something right on the bench using your smartphone

Charging device

It will distribute Wi-Fi and charge your scooter or smartphone

Interactive screen

Entertain children on the playground, show the weather and advertisements


Save your most interesting books for future owners


It shows adverts, weather, exchange rates, traffic jams and even lets you play games or draw something on the bench using your smartphone.

Road sign

Guides you on the road


It will show ads, weather, currency exchange rates, traffic jams and even allow you to play games or draw something right on the bench using your smartphone

Interactive screen

Entertain children on the playground, show the weather and advertisements


Will show how to sort rubbish and the level of fullness of the bins


Charges your scooter and smartphone, shows you current news stories

Charging device

It will distribute Wi-Fi and charge your scooter or smartphone


Save your most interesting books for future owners

Already on the streets of the Country

The units are located in major cities

You can controlled

from a smartphone or computer

The service is adapted to work from any device

SMARTCHAIN for business

Buy a smart device and earn money

Buying a device

Choose the unit that suits you and install it in your commercial space or a place where there are a lot of people

Placing adverts

Use your device as an advertising platform. Sell placement to other companies or create your own adverts

Tracking statistics

View ad performance by ad or the specific device on which it plays

Making a profit

Earn money by selling adverts or get new customers with smart devices

The smart device will become new source of income

Your possibilities as an owner

At any time, the owner can make changes to the operation of the devices, adjust functions, add them and disable them.

Run adverts or rent advertising space. Receive useful information and content, realise interaction with users, visitors and passers-by by developing individual and specific turnkey functions.